<?php require_once 'head.php'; $WEB['title'] = "更新管理"; #程式流程 # #整理傳入變數 $op = isset($_REQUEST['op']) ? $_REQUEST['op'] : ""; $sn = isset($_REQUEST['sn']) ? intval($_REQUEST['sn']) : ""; #程式流程 switch ($op) { #更新 default: $op = "op_list"; $msg = op_list(); if ($msg) { redirect_header("index.php", 3000, "更新系統成功!!"); } else { redirect_header("index.php", 3000, "更新系統失敗!!"); } exit; break; } /*---- 將變數送至樣版----*/ // $smarty->assign("WEB", $WEB); // $smarty->assign("op", $op); // /*---- 程式結尾-----*/ // $smarty->display('theme.html'); #函數 ######################################## # 更新主程式 ######################################## function op_list() { global $mysqli; #檢查資料夾 mk_dir(WEB_PATH . "/uploads"); //-------- 資料表 ------ #檢查資料表(creative_nav) if (!chk_isTable("creative_nav")) { $sql = " CREATE TABLE creative_nav ( `sn` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment comment 'sn', `ofsn` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 comment '父類別', `kind` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'nav_home' comment '分類', `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' comment '標題', `sort` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 comment '排序', `enable` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1' comment '狀態', `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' comment '網址', `target` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0' comment '外連', `col_sn` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 comment 'col_sn', `content` text NOT NULL comment '內容', PRIMARY KEY (`sn`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; "; createTable($sql); } #檢查資料表(creative_system) if (!chk_isTable("creative_system")) { $sql = " CREATE TABLE `creative_system` ( `sn` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT comment 'sn', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' comment '表單名稱', `kind` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'system' comment '類別', `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' comment '標題', `value` text comment '值', `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' comment '描述', `formtype` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' comment '表單型態', `valuetype` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' comment '值的型態', `sort` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' comment '排序', `enable` enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1' comment '狀態', PRIMARY KEY (`sn`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; createTable($sql); } #檢查資料表(creative_files_center) if (!chk_isTable("creative_files_center")) { $sql = " CREATE TABLE `creative_files_center` ( `files_sn` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '檔案流水號', `col_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '欄位名稱', `col_sn` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT '欄位編號', `sort` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT '排序', `kind` enum('img','file') NOT NULL default 'img' COMMENT '檔案種類', `file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '檔案名稱', `file_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '檔案類型', `file_size` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT '檔案大小', `description` text NOT NULL COMMENT '檔案說明', `counter` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT '下載人次', `original_filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '檔案名稱', `hash_filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '加密檔案名稱', `sub_dir` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '檔案子路徑', PRIMARY KEY (`files_sn`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; createTable($sql); } //-------- 資料表 end------ // //-------- 欄位 ------ // if (!chk_isColumn("sn1", "creative_system")) { // $sql = "ALTER TABLE `creative_system` ADD `sn1` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 comment 'sn1'"; //die($sql); // addColumn($sql); // } // //-------- 欄位 end------ //-------- 系統變數 ----- go_update(); //-------- 系統變數 end-- return true; } ######################################## # 將預設系統項目寫入資料庫. # formtype # textbox => 單行 # textarea => 多行 # file => 檔案 => valuetype # single_img =>單圖 # multiple_img => 多圖 ######################################## function go_update() { global $mysqli; $i = 0; #---- meta ---- #關鍵字 $configs['meta'][$i]['name'] = 'system_meta_keywords'; $configs['meta'][$i]['title'] = '關鍵字'; $configs['meta'][$i]['description'] = '請用半型逗點隔開'; $configs['meta'][$i]['formtype'] = 'textbox'; $configs['meta'][$i]['valuetype'] = 'text'; $configs['meta'][$i]['default'] = "關鍵字,關鍵字"; // #關鍵字 $i++; $configs['meta'][$i]['name'] = 'system_meta_description'; $configs['meta'][$i]['title'] = '網頁描述'; $configs['meta'][$i]['description'] = '網頁描述'; $configs['meta'][$i]['formtype'] = 'textarea'; $configs['meta'][$i]['valuetype'] = 'text'; $configs['meta'][$i]['default'] = ""; // #作者名稱 $i++; $configs['meta'][$i]['name'] = 'system_meta_author'; $configs['meta'][$i]['title'] = '作者名稱'; $configs['meta'][$i]['description'] = '作者名稱'; $configs['meta'][$i]['formtype'] = 'textbox'; $configs['meta'][$i]['valuetype'] = 'text'; $configs['meta'][$i]['default'] = "郭俊良"; // #作者名稱 $i++; $configs['meta'][$i]['name'] = 'system_meta_copyright'; $configs['meta'][$i]['title'] = '版權所有人名稱'; $configs['meta'][$i]['description'] = '版權所有人名稱'; $configs['meta'][$i]['formtype'] = 'textbox'; $configs['meta'][$i]['valuetype'] = 'text'; $configs['meta'][$i]['default'] = "育將電腦工作室"; // #FB要顯示的縮圖 $i++; $configs['meta'][$i]['name'] = 'system_meta_og_image'; $configs['meta'][$i]['title'] = 'FB要顯示的縮圖'; $configs['meta'][$i]['description'] = 'FB要顯示的縮圖'; $configs['meta'][$i]['formtype'] = 'file'; $configs['meta'][$i]['valuetype'] = 'single_img'; $configs['meta'][$i]['default'] = ""; // #輪播圖 $i++; $configs['slider'][$i]['name'] = 'system_slider_image'; $configs['slider'][$i]['title'] = '輪播圖'; $configs['slider'][$i]['description'] = '輪播圖'; $configs['slider'][$i]['formtype'] = 'file'; $configs['slider'][$i]['valuetype'] = 'multiple_img'; $configs['slider'][$i]['default'] = "1920"; // #寫入 //sn ofsn title sort enable kind url target foreach ($configs as $kind => $config_one) { foreach ($config_one as $sort => $config) { if (!check_system_nameKind($config['name'], $kind)) { $config['default'] = $mysqli->real_escape_string($config['default']); $sql = "insert into `creative_system` (`name`,`title`,`value`,`description`,`formtype`,`valuetype`,`sort`,`enable`,`kind`) values ('{$config['name']}','{$config['title']}','{$config['default']}','{$config['description']}','{$config['formtype']}','{$config['valuetype']}','{$sort}','1','{$kind}')"; //die($sql); $mysqli->query($sql) or redirect_header("index.php", 3000, "更新系統失敗!!"); } } } #------------------------------ return true; } ######################################## # 檢查creative_system是否有變數 ######################################## function check_system_nameKind($name, $kind) { global $mysqli; $sql = "select sn from `creative_system` where name='{$name}' and kind='{$kind}'"; //die($sql); $result = $mysqli->query($sql); list($sn) = $result->fetch_row(); if (empty($sn)) { return false; } return true; } ######################################## # 建立資料表 ######################################## function createTable($sql) { global $mysqli; $mysqli->query($sql) or die(printf("Error: %s <br>" . $sql, $mysqli->sqlstate)); return true; } ######################################## # 在資料表show_kind 增加一個 sn1 欄位 ######################################## function addColumn($sql) { global $mysqli; $mysqli->query($sql) or die(printf("Error: %s <br>" . $sql, $mysqli->sqlstate)); return true; } ######################################## # 檢查某欄位是否存在(欄名,資料表) ######################################## function chk_isColumn($col_name = "", $tbl_name = "") { global $mysqli; if (!$col_name and $tbl_name) { return; } //SHOW COLUMNS FROM `show_kind` LIKE 'sn1' $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$tbl_name}` LIKE '{$col_name}'"; $result = $mysqli->query($sql) or die(printf("Error: %s <br>" . $sql, $mysqli->sqlstate)); if ($result->num_rows) { return true; } //欄位存在 return false; //欄位不存在 } ######################################## # 檢查資料表是否存在(資料表) ######################################## function chk_isTable($tbl_name = "") { global $mysqli; if (!$tbl_name) { return; } $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$tbl_name}'"; //die($sql); $result = $mysqli->query($sql) or die(printf("Error: %s <br>" . $sql, $mysqli->sqlstate)); if ($result->num_rows) { return true; } //欄位存在 return false; //欄位不存在 }