


一、dTree 官網:http://www.destroydrop.com/javascripts/tree/


  1. add() add() Adds a node to the tree. Can only be called before the tree is drawn. id, pid and name are required. Parameters Name Type Description id Number Unique identity number. pid Number Number refering to the parent node. The value for the root node has to be -1. name String Text label for the node. url String Url for the node. title String Title for the node. target String Target for the node. icon String Image file to use as the icon. Uses default if not specified. iconOpen String Image file to use as the open icon. Uses default if not specified. open Boolean Is the node open. Example mytree.add(1, 0, 'My node', 'node.html', 'node title', 'mainframe', 'img/musicfolder.gif');

    add(id, pid,'name','url','title','target','icon','iconOpen','open');
    add(編號, 父編號,'文字','網址','提示文字','目標','一般圖示','點選圖示','開啟狀態');

  2. new
    prod_b = new dTree('prod_b','<{xoAppUrl modules/tadtools/dtree}>');

  3. openAll()
  4. closeAll()
  5. openTo()
  6. Configuration Configuration Variable Type Default Description target String true Target for all the nodes. folderLinks Boolean true Should folders be links. useSelection Boolean true Nodes can be selected(highlighted). useCookies Boolean true The tree uses cookies to rember it's state. useLines Boolean true Tree is drawn with lines. useIcons Boolean true Tree is drawn with icons. useStatusText Boolean false Displays node names in the statusbar instead of the url. closeSameLevel Boolean false Only one node within a parent can be expanded at the same time. openAll() and closeAll() functions do not work when this is enabled. inOrder Boolean false If parent nodes are always added before children, setting this to true speeds up the tree. Example mytree.config.target = "mytarget";


  7. 例 <script type="text/javascript"> prod_b = new dTree('prod_b','<{xoAppUrl modules/tadtools/dtree}>'); prod_b.add(0,-1,' 商品類別'); <{foreach from=$block.kind item=row}> prod_b.add(<{$row.sn}>,<{$row.p_sn}>,'<{$row.title}>(<{$row.count}>)','<{xoAppUrl modules/ugm_yd/index.php?op=showKind&kind=}><{$row.sn}>'); <{/foreach}> document.write(prod_b); </script> <p><a href="javascript: prod_b.openAll();">open all</a> | <a href="javascript: prod_b.closeAll();">close all</a></p>